Mobile & Web

Michael Walters Advertising

Role: Project manager. Lead creative and concept developer. I ensured that the quality of website was finished in a timely fashion and within budget. Helped strategize with our developers to ensure project goals were met. Assisted with the QA to make sure the UX was consistent. 

Challenge: The old website was not mobile-ready, nor did it have searchable content and lacked any UI/UX. There were also no analytics from the old site. 

Action:  Not only is it mobile-ready, but we updated all the content and visuals to be more upscale. I also made each visual sharable with a friendly UX. 

Results: Since we launched the site in January, not only have we surpassed the amount of traffic we get, but we've also landed 4 new accounts. Now we can see who is coming to our website thanks to the analytics. 


Coyne College

Role: I was the lead concept designer for this website.

Challenge: We had launched the brand style six months prior to the launching of this website, in-turn, the client's website needed an evolution to adhere to the new look. They were also looking to increase enrollment with the addition of SEO and infographics already in place.

Action: Using designed wire-frames, I organized their nav and added more social presence, as well as, placed more engaging photography and an RFI that was more attractive to the eye and interactive.


Olivet Nazarene University

Role: Lead designer and art director. Worked one-on-one with back-end developer to implement design. 

Challenge: To get students to come back and get there graduate degrees. Make the UX more upscale to reach their target audience, as well as, create a separate presence apart from the undergraduate program. Increase enrollment. Make the mobile experience much more intuitive. 

Action: I took the brand look that we established earlier in the year and was able to design the look and feel based on that. We needed to have a photo shoot as well because the school hadn't had any existing photography. 

Results: Within the first two years partnership with Olivet Nazarene University, I helped increase ONU’s web traffic from 7,000 average visitors a month to 40,000.


Paul Mitchell Schools - RFI

Role: Lead Art Director. Implemented the overall style and tone and worked with developers to ensure timeline was met. 

Challenge: Building a site from scratch was daunting. PMS did not have a strategic way to get to the student directly.

Action: I helped create landing pages/banners that were targeted to their demo and from there they would be directed to the website where they could request information and enroll in classes online. We knew their demo was young and most likely using their phones to get info, so making that UX friendly was an absolute.


St. George's University

Role: Concept design

Challenge: Client wanted enrollment up next semester.

Action: By using targeted digital banners, I created a landing page from prior style and tone to create a place for potential students to request more information.  


Chicago Cubs & Olivet Nazarene University Banners

Role: Designer and Art Director  

Challenge: Cubs and Olivet wanted to put an emphasis on Ben Zobrist- since he was a graduate of Olivet. 

Action: Take the style and tone of the current Olivet branding and transfer it to digital designs while keeping the brand intact and not lose the CTA.

Results: Cubs are the 2017 World Series Champions and Ben Zobrist is named the World Series MVP.


Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Montana

Created look and feel of Montanans for Pandora and other digital executions.