We’re looking for a keen eye for detail they say. Check.
Someone who can run the project from start-to-finish. Check.
An individual that can lead under pressure and perform under tight deadlines. Check.
The product: Cable. But not just cable, the next innovative streaming tool brought to you by TVision, a T-Mobile company.

Project: Create an email workflow for prospective customers

Role: Art Director/copywriter

Challenge: Open rate is poor from past performing emails. Looking for customers to interact and click through for more information.

Action:  Get the information they need right away followed by a CTA in order to keep the customer’s attention while not adding anything else to muddy up the message.

Project: User Interface for TVision

Role: Senior designer

Challenge: Create a seamless interaction for customers to easily watch there favorite shows.

Project: Direct mail

Role: Creative lead

Action:  Create awareness with new customers that don’t know what other options are available to them.

Project: Print ad

Role: Senior designer

Action:  Adding awareness in local magazines to add hype to about TVision.

Project: Sports UI (just for fun)

Role: Creative Lead

Challenge: Create a more dynamic UI with access to favorite sports teams.